A Curriculum Designed For Each and Everyone
Our Britannia Bridge, bespoke curriculum has been designed to be truly ‘For Each and Everyone’ and to develop our wonderful children, not just academically, but to become happy, thriving adults, good citizens and leaders of our future world . Our intent, at Britannia Bridge, goes far beyond achieving just exam/academic success. We develop children who, despite challenges they may face, go on to be positive, inspiring role models for others, within the world.
Our curriculum is underpinned and permeated by our Core H.E.A.R.T Values of Happiness, Encouragement, Aspirations, Respect and Teamwork – these Core Values are the driving force for everything that we do, at Britannia Bridge, including our teaching and learning and our very special relationships.
Our overarching aim is to ensure that, despite a wide range of starting points and potential barriers to learning, by the time they leave us (for High School), each and every one of our special children will be the very best that they can be. We strive to ensure that we equip all our children with the values, transferrable/essential knowledge and skills, experiences and cultural capital they need to absolutely flourish in life.
We recognise that, to be happy, lifelong, self-motivated learners, our children need to feel valued as individuals, with a range of unique differences and talents. Our aim is to ensure that each and every one of our children leave us happy (confident in their own skin) and that they understand that they play a part in the happiness of other people in the world.
At Britannia Bridge, we ensure that our children leave us with a true Growth Mindset, for encouraging themselves and others. Our children don’t say can’t. They say can’t YET. We teach them that mistakes are a part of every day life and they are positives things to be learned from. With this attitude and mindset, we know they will go far in life. Our children also encourage each other through GROW Coaching – our children leave us much more able to self-regulate, during times of challenge.
Despite a range of backgrounds, starting points and challenges (which we adapt our curriculum to counteract) we ensure that we inspire our children to believe in themselves and we teach them that the sky really is the limit! Our Britannia Bridge children leave us knowing that they can succeed (no matter what) and that they really can be anything that they want to be.
Respect is a striking feature of our school. Despite living in a mainly mono-cultural community, our children leave us understanding the imperativeness of inclusion/celebrating difference and having great respect for other faiths and cultures. We aim that our children will be the next set of adults, who will challenge adversity/discrimination and champion equality for all.
As a school family and community, we model true teamwork for our children to ensure that they take on their futures understanding the importance of teamwork for achieving individual, local, national and global goals. All our families are welcome to join us, each morning and at Home Time, to work with us, as partners in our children’s academic and personal development.
How is our Curriculum Implemented, at Britannia Bridge, to achieve our aims?
It is based on the requirements of the National Curriculum , Early Years Framework and our very own carefully created Progression Documents, with previous and future learning clearly designed for our Britannia Bridge children. We also have a progressive approach to Home Learning, which our families are highly supportive of.
We network with other schools to share excellent curriculum practice.
Our Curriculum Leaders monitor and evaluate our curriculum to make sure that it is the best it can be for our children. They peer-support each other in Curriculum Teams and are linked to a specific Governor. Our Governing Board review our curriculum, termly, to ensure standards are continually improving.
Each of our curriculum areas has clear end points identified.
Our curriculum is based on a cyclical approach and involves regular Retrieval Activities to ensure ‘sticky learning’.
Group and 1:1 Interventions, where necessary, ensure our children’s individual learning needs are met – we have a skilled team of Learning Support Assistants, at Britannia Bridge.
Our curriculum is enriched by a wide range of After-school Clubs, inspiring visits/visitors and enrichment opportunities, community and charity work (based on first-hand and real-life/purposeful experiences).
Our Early Years Curriculum is underpinned by high quality adult/child interactions and sensory learning. Our children’s personal interests inform our planning, to inspire our youngest learners and outdoor learning is integral.
Our curriculum is adapted to the individual needs of all our children, based on their wide range of starting points, preferred learning styles and next learning steps.
Growth Mindset underpins every subject area for our Britannia Bridge children, developing their perseverance, resilience and ability to be cooperative learners, who encourage each other.
Our Core Texts ensure our adults model inspirational reading to all our children, daily.
Our Daily Mile Approach supports our children’s emotional and physical well-being and is integral to our ‘Five Ways to Well-being’.
Our Enquiry Approach, including Enquiry Questions and Dig Deeper Challenges (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy), encourage all our children, regardless of starting points, to use their higher order thinking skills (to be critical thinkers and to apply their essential knowledge and skills).
We have a consistent approach to vocabulary development (VIV- Very Important Vocabulary) to ensure our children develop a wide, aspirational repertoire of vocabulary to take with them into their adult life.
Our Curriculum Assessment is robust and informs planning and pupil progress tracking. We use a range of assessment methods (including End of Unit Quizzes) to ensure that our children know more and can do more.
Our Britannia Bridge Knowledge Organisers make essential knowledge and skills clear, for all our children, in a range of curriculum areas. We aim to roll this approach out to all subjects, this academic year.
Each curriculum area is underpinned by key concepts, which ensure our children are ready for their next phase of learning.
Our curriculum planning is flexible, where necessary, to ensure that our children are up to date with current affairs.
Please see Subject Specific Implementation information also.
Our Impact for Each and Every one:
Our Britannia Bridge children leave us feeling happy in their own skin, valued, successful and loving learning, ready to thrive in their adult lives.
They reach their maximum potential and know that their unique differences and talents will take them wherever they want to go in life.
They leave us with a strong Growth Mindset and aspirational attitudes for their future, knowing that they can make a difference locally, nationally and globally.
They take GROW Coaching skills with them to self-regulate in times of challenge.
They leave Britannia Bridge as good citizens and positive role models/leaders of others.
They read widely and often, produce high quality work and achieve good/outstanding progress, from their starting points.
They leave us ready for their next academic phase as creative thinkers and collaborative learners, with the transferrable values, knowledge and skills and cultural capital needed to flourish.
Please find below a helpful Parent/Carer Curriculum Guide. You can explore the whole curriculum, by subject and year group. If you would like any more information about your child’s curriculum, please browse our website, contact your child’s Class Teacher (using our Open Door Policy) or Mrs Carol Pidgeon-Duncalf (our Headteacher).